Whether you are heading to the desert, the beach, a rainforest or simply walking the street of a mega-metropolis, your skin might not be as excited as you are about the new environment. Traveling is often a stressful event as well, which is a known trigger for skin irritations and complications.
Fortunately, just like protecting your trip investment with travel insurance, you can protect your outer layer while you are heading out on a fun excursion. Here are some great tips to keep your skin looking healthy while on vacation:
Sunscreen should be one of the first things that goes into your bag: You should be wearing sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater, whether you are headed to the beach or not. However, in places like the tropics or in mountainous regions with high altitude, the chances of this happening tend to become even greater. If you head into the water a lot while on vacation, be sure to reapply sunscreen. It’s also a good idea to bring along some aloe gel or lotion to apply to your skin in case you do get a sunburn.
Skip the foundation: Traveling can zap the moisture out of your skin during a trip, especially if you are traveling by airplane. Instead of foundation, opt for a tinted moisturizer that covers up blemishes and hydrates your skin cells. Even after you land, allowing your skin to “breathe” without foundation for a few days is a good idea for better circulation and natural oil production.
Keep yourself hydrated: Hours spent laying by the beach, multiple rounds at the bar during happy hour and staying up later than usual can take a toll on your face. In addition to applying sunscreen and sipping on your delicious cocktail, be sure to keep a bottle of water nearby to keep yourself hydrated. It’s important to give your skin a drink of water every once in awhile, too. Spending several hours in the air can dry your skin out very quickly and certain climates will have little to no humidity, so be sure that you moisturize your skin – and often.
Invest in a travel beauty bag with skin care essentials: You are probably going to do a lot of exploring on your trip no matter where you go, and your skin needs to keep up with you. Keeping a small beauty bag with travel-sized cleanser, hand sanitizer, moisturizer, lip balm and sunscreen can go a long way in preventing sunburns, dry skin and chapped lips.
Download UVLens: UVLens is a great travel app that provides the UV forecast and will help prevent you from getting sunburned.