Tips for Flying with a Baby – An Infographic

Tips for Flying with a Baby

Flying with a baby is no easy feat and can leave both you and your little-one stressed. Getting organized and having everything you need for your infant within easy reach will help ensure you both have the best possible flight. To do this, pack everything you’ll need during your flight into your carry-on luggage.

Traveling with a baby may require you to give up a few creature comforts, such as a window seat. For the comfort of both you and your baby (as well as the other passengers), consider an aisle seat. You may find yourself getting up often, especially on long flights, and you’ll want to be able to easily get out of your seat as needed.

Unless the weather is particularly cold, you should keep your baby’s clothing light and simple. You’ll want it to be easy to remove clothing when you need to change him/her during the trip.

Most importantly, enjoy the trip (see the four best places to vacation with a baby). Take photos and be sure to give your baby plenty of care and comfort during the flight.

The below infographic “The Ultimate Guide to Flying with Your Baby”, courtesy of Baby In A Stroller, provides packing and document checklists as well as travel, safety and health tips.

Also see “The Comprehensive Guide to Flying with Kids” for tips on flying with your older children.

Tips for Flying with a Baby

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